#Cloud #Servers – Reaping the benefits of #localisation – At the #tipping point
Sunday, 23 September 2018
My attention came to this topic with the media attention on government requirements for various social media websites needing to have their cloud servers within the native country This was further reinforced when some of the internet giants who wanted to enter into digital payments were not authorised by the governments citing that their cloud
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#Product Packaging to #Connected # Intelligent Packaging – The next major marketing disruptor
Sunday, 02 September 2018
I am curious about any product packaging that I lay my hands on…I take a toothpaste box cover and the packaging has so much information… It is covered entirely with product, manufacturer and all kinds of information, some of which are mandated by the rules of the land and some of which are specifying product
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Premium #Food #Retail..Is the time right to enhance and scale up the exotic #experience
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Premium food retail ….Is the time right to enhance and scale up the exotic experience? The thought for this article occurred after a visit of mine to the food hall in Palladium Lower Parel Mumbai…under normal conditions I would have given a food retailing joint a skip on that day since I had no household
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# Mergers and #Acquisitions # Analysis – Will #Walmart entry into #Flipkart #disrupt the #Indian #Retail sector?
Sunday, 24 June 2018
The last month and a half there has been so much news about the world’s largest retailer Walmart taking over controlling stake in Indians biggest e retailer Flipkart… While everyone has been discussing and debating on how and why Walmart did this and how it will change the Indian retail segment will it really have
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#IOT- #Internet of Things – #Connect everything every time anywhere
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Like most people, I love driving and prefer to drive myself and my family around whenever I get the chance. I would be half way into the drive and some red light on the dashboard pops up…Am sure most of you have had this experience… Now you are not sure if it is something critical
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#Blockchain #Revolution-The next biggest #Disruptor after the #Internet
Saturday, 10 March 2018
We live in a society where someone takes care of everything that we do or rather accounts for everything that we do… Let’s take an example: I want to transfer 1000 rupees to my friend by net banking… the accounting of the transaction is done by the bank for both of us …The bank debits
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#Bitcoin -#Cryptocurrencies -The Digital Gold or Hyped Bubble
Thursday, 08 February 2018
Bitcoins first caught my fancy when some of my friends revealed the huge profit they were making by trading in them. Being a speculator at heart (the heart gets reigned in by the brain mostly) this got me interested. My interest further shot up when I discovered the returns were like 25000 times in three
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Has the #success of #Redmi (#Xiomi) sounded the #death knell for Brick and Mortar #channel
Monday, 01 January 2018
Being a sports fan if I switch on to any sports event whether it’s the IPL or the cricket series or the kabaddi or badminton leagues you find mobilephone manufacturers like Samsung , Oppo , Vivo or LG as one of the key sponsors and their advertisements keep screaming at you during every break..If I decide
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#Bengali #Rasogollas to #Darjeeling #Tea- The #Influence of #Geographical Indication(GI)
Saturday, 09 December 2017
Am very fond of sweets and Rasogollas have always been one of my favourites and hence when I saw this article in the newspapers of Bengali rasogollas being given Geographical Indication(GI) and Orissa disputing the same citing that rasogollas have been offered at Puri Jagannath temple since 12th century Geographical Indication immediately caught my eye So
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#Artificial Intelligence…#Cyborgs to replace #smart #phones
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Was a great fan of the Star Trek series when I was a kid and was so fascinated with all the high tech stuff in the show …like data coming up as required right in front of you…you being transported to some distant place…having those small earphones on your ears through which you talked to
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