How #Big #Data has changed #Content #Marketing – #New #Ways to #Reignite the #Creativity
Sunday, 14 April 2019
We are all used to the stream of advertising that flows to you the moment you log on to a website and despite the fact that you disable them they still keep appearing and reappearing There are also access rights that apps keep asking for the moment you download them some of them that you
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How #Technology is #Disrupting the #Media and #Entertainment Industry
Monday, 25 March 2019
I got the inspiration to write this article from a small incident that I observed sometime back when I visited Las Vegas and was walking around trying to grab some lunch… I could hear screams and shouts from one of the small shops in the area lined up with restaurants…Well don’t get ideas because I said Las
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#Products to #Experiences … The #Experience #Economy
Monday, 11 March 2019
Experiences they say last a lifetime …But how do you package the experience to make it last a lifetime? Let’s start with a small everyday example Imagine this: I’m looking to buy a dessert (and sweets are my all time favorite) and I find myself standing in front of two bakeries both of which sell
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#Unicorns – Are the Phenomenal #Billion #Dollar #Valuations for Real?
Sunday, 03 March 2019
We have all read about Unicorns …Startups who have reached billion-dollar valuations and some of them like byjus have always caught my fancy… Every entrepreneur dreams that their business will be one of the ones that make it big. For a few very lucky start-up founders, this dream has become a reality and their ventures have truly
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Strategy to Execution –Syncing the two for effective results
Friday, 15 February 2019
Every time we come across a successful brand, company or a product and try to understand the reasons for their success it always boils down to an innovative strategy that was executed effectively to get the desired results. While this seems so easy on paper studies have shown that at least 50% of employees feel
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#Artificial Intelligence (#AI) in #India – A comparison with neighbour #China and The Huge #Opportunity Ahead
Sunday, 20 January 2019
The first thought that comes to my mind the moment I hear about Artificial Intelligence or AI which is very frequent of late is that of the James Cameron movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger called the Terminator where the machines created by man become self-aware, take decisions on their own and take over the earth… So, what does
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#Fintech…#Disrupting the way we know and do #Banking
Sunday, 16 December 2018
I still remember the time in the early part of the century when everything in the economy was cash based…When the office peon who was going to the bank was the most important person because everyone had some or other transaction to do at the bank whether it be withdrawal of cash or deposit or
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#Satellite #Internet…Will this become the preferred #data medium of the future
Sunday, 02 December 2018
The internet has changed the way we live over the last 25 years. Mobile networks and their increased data speeds with the advent of 3G and 4G have dramatically altered the reach and the speed at which we can consume data particularly in countries like India where mobile internet is way way ahead of wired internet.
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#Driverless #Cars…Can they really match up to a #Human
Monday, 19 November 2018
Have always been crazy about driving since I was kid and even today it’s something that I really enjoy…The thrill that you get when the car zooms as you press on the accelerator makes you often forget that driving is actually a means to get you from point A to Point B ….and when you drive in
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An #idea Into a #Startup..The Ten #commandments
Sunday, 11 November 2018
Have been interacting with “Gen X” , which includes my teenage daughters and it never ceases to amaze me about the enthusiasm with which they talk on the great ideas they have and how they will develop that into a product, a company and so on…. I never ever thought about such things at that
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