New Year #Resolution into #Habits. Key Disablers which make us loose our way
Saturday, 14 November 2020
In my last weeks article had covered about System 1 and System 2 of the brain how each influences the way we function and how we form habits. Had stopped with the example of the British cycling team and how very small measures to correct the various process gaps had changed this average team into
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Cementing #New #Year #Resolutions into #Habits – #Systems #Thinking Brain
Sunday, 01 November 2020
Before we get into that let’s understand a bit about the human brain… Like I had written some time ago in my article on Artificial Intelligence the human brain is believed to have evolved once humans learned how to walk upright on their two legs …Walking upright helped humans to do several tasks in a
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What Is your #Learning #Style? Figure out and Change your #Life
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Am sure all of us remember some incidents in our life as though they have been video recorded in our minds ..Most of these are sometimes not even great incidents in your life but you still remember them.. A few weeks back I was trying to make a personal video for a friend of mine on
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#Pygmalion Effect-Do higher #Expectations lead to Higher #Performance
Monday, 25 December 2023
Am sure in our everyday lives we come across situations were we feel let down because someone we knew and expected to perform to a particular level didn’t really come upto that level..Is there a way we could really influence the way that they performed..Lets consider the particular case which was done way back in
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#Leadership from #Below – A tribute to the #26/11 #Taj #Employees
Friday, 27 December 2019
While I had also watched that fateful night that happened in Mumbai in November 2008 on TV in Chennai where I was posted then… the inspiration to understand to write about it came this year 26/11 when a promotion took place at our offices for the movie “Hotel Mumbai”. We all know what happened at
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#Disruptive Leaders—The Key #Differentiators
Monday, 25 December 2023
Like everyone else I have also had several leaders during the course of my career…I have also picked up several of my good management practices from some very dynamic and motivating leaders… However, management practices as we know today is only about 100 years old … For the most part of those 100 years, leaders have
- Published in Business Insights
The #Secret #Ingredients to a Great #Team
Sunday, 23 June 2019
During the course of my career I have had the good opportunity to work with some excellent bosses who were brilliant in the way they were able to get the best out of their teams by aligning them towards a clear goal or strategy…I was also fortunate to pick up lot of key skills during the
- Published in Self-help Blogs