We have all experienced the way disruptions change our lives..They come up from the most unexpected sources and at the most unexpected times..The general belief is that disruption cannot be predicted .But since Disruption is one of my passions here is a try at listing down some of disruptions which are likely to change our lives in the next few years
1. 3D Printing
The idea behind the 3D printing business is to print using low-cost printers. It would allow one to print a cup of coffee sitting on a desk, to build architect models or spare parts. Everything one would need could be printed using the 3D printer. The method of fabricating the item in a factory and shipping to retailers will be a thing of the past.
2. DNA Design Firms
Reading the DNA, it lets us know the diseases we could acquire. This opens doors for the treatment of many diseases. It is expensive to read DNA today, but by 2020 it would be possible to get our DNA checked for less than $100. A US company named BioNanomatrix is testing this process to make DNA reading low cost which could also lead to gene editing.
3. Holographic Real time presence
In the 19th century, holograms were created by placing a thick glass between the image and the audience. This made the figure appearing to be floating in the air. Today, the illusionists use a highly reflective polymer. It is invisible to the audience and easily creates holographic images. An application of the holographic technology is allowing anyone the real-time presence at meetings…
4. Jet Pack
This idea has been taken from personal flights. The jet pack is available, and an aircraft firm has started to manufacture it on the commercial level, but the consumers are not too keen to embrace it. The price is almost $100,000 which is expensive, but it may eventually deflate so one might fly to work instead of driving.
5. Pharmacy of Stem cells
Stems cells are used for modelling diseases and test new drugs to cure them. Eventually, a time will come when the drugs would be replaced by stem cells. The pharmacies filled to the brim with drugs will switch to stems cells as they are natural and efficient. Currently, stem cells are used to regrow cells after surgeries.
6. Vertical Farming
The single-story greenhouses save a considerable amount of water and also increase productivity. The idea of vertical farming is to stack the greenhouses on top of one another to make the cities sufficient. This would allow the employment of more space in the greenhouses.
7. Solar Water Farms
Water is the basic necessity of life, but water pump machines use a lot of energy. Solar Water Farms could be the answer to all our water issues
8. Microbots
The British government published a report “The Shape Of Jobs To Come” that suggested that the use of nanotechnology would pave the way for medical treatments at the subatomic level and then eventually to nanomedicines. Nano-Medics uses nanotechnology to repair cells. A computer science professor at Duke University has created microbots. It is possible that these nanobots may place in electrons in the brain. The size of the bots is 60 microns that may be used in numerous medical applications.
9. Biosensors
A variety of biosensors detect indicators of diseases through biological, chemical or physical processes. Both outside-the-body and inside-the-body biosensors transmit collected data to analyze it correctly. Once data is uploaded to the cloud, physicians are able to view it on their smart devices in order to treat patients.
Israeli startup Sensible Medical creates high-tech vest monitors called SensiVest. The monitors use radar technology to detect the accurate amount of fluid in the lungs of heart failure patients and deliver the data to their doctors via secured cloud technology
10.Tissue Engineering
Regenerating or improving skin, bones, muscles up to entire organs is made possible by tissue engineering, a progressive field of regenerative medicine. The development of either synthetic or natural human tissue in a lab is used for patients with severe burns or failing organs, among others.
While researchers have recently found a way to grow the tissue that makes up the human eyeball from only a small sample of adult skin, tissue engineering also offers non-therapeutic applications. Tissue can be used as a biosensor, detecting biological or chemical threat agents and tissue chips to test the toxicity of an experimental medication.
Swiss Elanix Biotechnologies develops products for acute wound care, dermatological and gynecological applications. Founded in 2013, the startup works with patented progenitor cell technology to accelerate tissue growth and healing.
11. Virtual Reality (VR)
In addition to gaming where it is widely used today VR aids in achieving more accurate and superior outcomes in image-guided surgery, improves cardiac and lung imaging, and provides physicians with real-time insights into the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, using 3D imaging, VR equips patients to see how a drug works instead of reading the patient information leaflet.
BioLucid has developed a fully-immersive 3D representation of the human body using virtual reality. The startup’s BioLucid You is capable of depicting the body in a healthy state as well as when infected with a disease. This solution holds significant promises for diagnostic medicine and training.
12. IOT
As everything that we use gets connected and tracked IOT will change the way we live our lives
13. Block chain
Block chain just does away with the people who monitor any transactions…This has the capability to change the way society is built because it will just do away with the innumerable tracking, measuring and audit systems that are inherent in today’s society.
14. AI or Artificial Intelligence
As more and more data gets fed into it Artificial Intelligence is getting better and better and will change the way we live our lives dramatically, making things easier and faster.
This is just a small list of emerging technologies that are ripe for disrupting our lives and transforming businesses … the technological revolution is definitely bigger than all the other historical revolutions to date.